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9 Cold Calling Scripts for Real Estate Agents

12min read

They’ve always said that one of the tried-and-true methods for growing any business is with the help of a cold calling strategy. 

But does that apply to real estate agents?

The short answer is yes, it does, but the next question is this: what do you say?

If you’re a realtor who’s been on the fence about creating a cold calling strategy, we’re going to assume there’s one thing that’s been holding you back: actually having to talk to people.

Does this sound like you? 

We understand how uncomfortable cold calling can be. After all, you never know how the recipient will react, what they will say back, or what their tone will be. But, never fear. 

In this guide, we’re going to help you solve the biggest problem that comes with calling prospects by giving you nine cold calling scripts every realtor can use (plus three more in case you’re faced with scary rejections). 

Is Cold Calling Still Lucrative for Realtors?

Are people even answering the phone these days? 

If this is a question you’ve asked yourself recently when it comes to your real estate business, know this: cold calling can be and still is an effective marketing strategy for realtors. 

Sure, you should be prepared to get back more hasty “nos” or instant hang-ups than you will new clients, but the fact remains that cold calling still brings in new business for realtors. 

How? There are a couple of reasons, actually: 

    • Instant feedback: Even if the caller has no interest in shopping for a new home or selling their current one, you get to hear what needs they may have that’s holding them back from taking the first step. 
    • Build relationships: Cold calling has more value than instantly onboarding new clients. You’re also building relationships with locals who may need your services in the future or know someone who is looking for a realtor. 
    • Boosting confidence and skills: As a realtor, you have to communicate with a lot of people on a daily basis. Regardless of if your phone calls end in a sale or not, you get to practice communication skills that will make you a sharper professional. 
    • Spread the word: If you’re a new realtor, finding business can be challenging and time-consuming. This is especially true if you’re new to the business. Cold calling helps you get your name out directly to those in your service area so that the next time they think of buying a home or listing one, they know to call you. 

Tips for a Winning Cold Calling Strategy

So, how do you go about creating a cold calling strategy that works? 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind so you see success from your marketing efforts and aren’t wasting time dialing random numbers. 

1. Make a lot of daily calls

You won’t see a big payoff from a cold calling strategy where you only make a couple of calls weekly. You have to make a lot of calls per day

Since there isn’t a set number to start with, that means you will have to experiment to see what amount of calls works for you. 

“But how do I know who to even call?!”Great and valid question. We’ll tackle this concern in point number four. 

2. Be polite and helpful, not salesly 

When you’re cold calling prospects, you only have a couple of seconds to engage the homeowner and make them want to continue the conversation. 

Because of this, it’s important to approach the call in a polite and helpful manner, not a sales-focused one. 

Obviously, the goal of cold calling is to increase your sales, but you don’t want that to be painfully obvious to the person on the other end of the line. 

Real estate transactions are major purchases. It requires a lot of thinking and pushing on the homeowner’s part, but unfortunately, most homeowners are not wanting to think or talk about a big purchase when you’re calling them at six o’clock in the evening right after work. 

3. Get to the point 

Because you only have a few seconds to hook the homeowner, you’ll want to get to the point quickly. 

As soon as the homeowner answers the phone, give them your introduction that should include your name, who you are, what you do, and why you’re calling. 

For a more detailed introductory script, keep reading. We’ll show you ten different ways to introduce yourself on cold calls that all keep this level of professionalism in mind. 

4. Call purposefully 

Part of a successful cold calling strategy is knowing who to call. Sure, you need legit numbers to dial but the numbers should be thought out and aligned with your marketing campaign and services. 

Before picking up the phone, observe your business and the type of realtor you are. What’s your real estate niche? 

After you answer these questions, you can find specific homeowners in your area that match your criteria with the help of specific, localized database searches like the Cole’s Realty Resource

5. Have a script ready to read

Let’s be real: the major reason why cold calling is avoided is because of your anxiety. 

It’s scary to call someone and have a real-time conversation where you’re basically asking them upfront if they need your services. But it’s even scarier to think of being rejected.

This fear can cause you to want to avoid the strategy altogether and just stick to your behind-the-screen digital or social media marketing strategy

We get it completely, but what if we told you that there was a way to avoid this fear with a pre-planned message?

Having a script typed out and ready to read takes a mound of the pressure off your chest when cold calling prospects. 

Real estate scripts don’t cause you to think and come up with your own words, which can totally vanish if the second homeowners answer your call. 

The best part is that your real estate script doesn’t have to be anything lengthy. In fact, it can range from a couple of words to a two sentence paragraph. 

To come up with the right script, think about the goal of the strategy, the type of client/transaction you’re after, and then choose one of our matching pre-loaded scripts from below.

9 Best Cold Calling Scripts for Real Estate Agents

Now that you know how transformative a cold calling strategy can be for your real estate business and how to structure this strategy, let’s look at 9 cold calling scripts all realtors can use! 

1. The introduction script

The introduction script is a basic, short and simple script that covers essential information, like your name, who you are, and what you do. The goal with this script is to simply inform prospects that you exist and see if they would be interested in your services. 

It can look like this:

“Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m with [YOUR REAL ESTATE COMPANY]. I specialize in [YOUR REAL ESTATE NICHE] for homeowners in the [YOUR SERVICE AREA]. I’m currently working with clients in your area and wanted to know if you or someone you know would be interested in buying or selling a home in the future.”

2. The tempting interest script

As we’ve mentioned before, real estate transactions are a hefty investment, which means clients of all kinds will need some kind of temptation to jump on your services.

The goal of the tempting interest script is to make the prospect feel intrigued at what you’re offering by making them feel a sense of FOMO while you’re at it. 

Here’s an example of what this script can look like:

“Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m with [YOUR REAL ESTATE COMPANY]. I’m calling to see if you’d be interested in touring a unique property of mine that just went on the market. I think it would be a perfect home for you, but it won’t be listed for long.”  

3. The previous sale script

Using a recent sale in your elevator pitch (beginning introduction) is great for two reasons: the first, to showcase proof of your expertise, and second, to entice the homeowner about selling their home as well. 

Here’s how to use this scenario in a cold calling script:

“Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m with [YOUR REAL ESTATE COMPANY]. I’m reaching out because I just sold a property in/at [SOLD REAL ESTATE ADDRESS OR NEIGHBORHOOD] for [SALE PRICE]. It was well above market value and I noticed you have a similar home. Would you be interested in discussing your future plans and possibly listing with me?”

4. The neighborhood script

Is there a hot-spot neighborhood in your area? One that’s exclusive or dreamy? Other nearby residents may be looking at the opportunity to move in next. 

If you’ve recently done work in a best-selling neighborhood, call around to see if anyone else is looking to get in with this script:

Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m with [YOUR REAL ESTATE COMPANY]. I’ve had the pleasure helping several homeowners in your area buy a home in [NEIGHBORHOOD’S NAME]. I have a lot of experience serving homeowners in this area and would be happy to help you in your real estate journey.”

5. The previous client script

Speaking to a previous client can feel more comforting than calling unknown prospects, but that still doesn’t make the phone call less scary. 

Reaching back out to previous clients can be a great way to utilize your cold calling strategy in a way that brings in more clientele since you can ask your previous clients for one of two things: a testimonial or leads.

Here’s a script for both. 

When asking for a testimonial, you can start the conversation with something like this:

“Hello, [CLIENT NAME], how are you today? I hope you’ve had a positive experience working with me, and I was wondering if you would be willing to leave a testimonial for my business?”

If you’re calling a previous client for a lead, here’s a script to customize:

“Hello, [CLIENT NAME], how have you been? I wanted to check in and see how the new home was going plus ask if you knew of anyone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home? I’d love to help them.”

6. The FSBO script

Do you look at FSBO signs the same way contractors look at DIYers? Before you cross them off as people you don’t want to work with, know that these homeowners can make the best clients!

And that you could possibly switch them to your side with the help of a simple cold call. 

If you spot a FSBO sign in your service area and think about reaching out to advertise your services, here’s a script to use:

“Hello, [HOMEOWNER’S NAME], how are you? I noticed you had a FSBO sign in your yard and I wanted to check in and see how the listing was going; are you having any luck? I’m a realtor with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and have a lot of experience listing homes in this area. I would love to work with you to help sell your home/property if you’re interested.”

7. The known-person script

Sometimes you’ll hear of a family member, friend, acquaintance, or person who shares your hobby at the local rec center in need of a realtor. These prospects are the best to drop a mention of your services too, especially since there’s familiarity and comfort there. 

Here’s how to break the ice with someone you know about your real estate services:

“Hey, I heard you were looking to sell your home in [ADDRESS OR NEIGHBORHOOD] and move to [ADDRESS OR NEIGHBORHOOD]. Are you currently working with a realtor? If not, I’d love to help you list your home and buy your next property.”

8. The online lead script

One of the best marketing tools every realtor needs is a website with a contact form. This is a great way to have leads come directly to you and reach out on their time when they’re ready to take the step of buying or listing a home. 

Contact forms should ask for the prospect’s email and phone number. Once received, you can call an online lead and use this script to start the process:

“Hello, [CLIENT NAME], this is [YOUR NAME] with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Thanks for filling out my online form. I wanted to reach out and see how I could assist you on your buying or selling journey. Is there a specific property you’d like to see this week?”

9. The expired listing script

Expired listings can be challenging to acquire since several realtors are baiting for the listing at once. But, if you keep an eye on upcoming properties set to expire and you reach out quick enough, you can see a quick conversion if you also use the script below:

“Hello, [CLIENT NAME], I’m [YOUR NAME] with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I see that you’re listing just expired and I wanted to reach out to see if there was anything I could do to help with selling your property. I know how challenging it can be to sell in this market, but I have a lot of experience working in this area, and would love to represent your property.”

But, What Do I Say If They Reject Me?

It’s true that you should be prepared to face a lot of rejections when cold calling, but that’s what makes those who accept so much sweeter. 

But, you should also be prepared with scripts for a few pushbacks you may get when making your calling rounds. 

Here are three more scripts to have ready so you’re prepared for every scenario and aren’t caught off guard. 

If they’re already working with another realtor

Sometimes you may reach out to prospects and they drop the line that they’re already working with another realtor… bummer. 

It’s important to keep a positive, respectful attitude and use a script similar to the following:

“That’s okay! Thank you for letting me know. I understand and value the importance of loyalties and commitments, but if for some reason things don’t work out with your other realtor, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always here to answer any questions you may have.” 

If they’re aggravated you called

Some prospects aren’t going to like the fact that you called unawares, plain and simple. These people will more than likely question how you got their number in the first place and convey their displeasure.

Don’t panic. 

If you encounter this scenario, here’s what you can say:

“As a realtor, I’m dedicated to using the best resources available that connect me to homeowners in my service area that best fits my services. I can assure you that your contact information is private and secure, and won’t be passed around. I’m here to help you because I believe I can assist you with your real estate should you want to move further.”

If they plan to sell the property themselves

We can already see you now, behind the phone rolling your eyes, but once you hear from a prospect that they’re planning to sell the property themselves, keep your composure and respect their decision!

Whenever you hear from a homeowner that their listing is theirs, here is what you can say to show your support while subtly advertising your services:

“Congratulations on the listing of your property and exploring all avenues. I understand how tricky it can be to sell a property on your own so should you ever have questions or want to work with a realtor who has valuable insights, I’d love to help you.”

The Bottom Line

Whenever it comes to a real estate cold calling strategy, the most important aspect to remember is to stay professional at all costs, no matter the outcome. 

Coming into every conversation prepared with a ready-to-go introductory and rejection script will save you a lot of time, pressure, and confusion in case you get stuck and aren’t sure what to say. 

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