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5 Benefits of Networking for Young Realtors

6min read

Breaking into the scene of real estate?

If you’re a newbie to this industry, you’re probably overwhelmed with the thought of finding clients, building your personal brand, and creating a network of like-minded professionals

We know there’s a lot on your realtor to-do list, but creating a network for yourself that’s full of other experienced or new realtors should be at the top of the list.

Networking is vitally important for your new business to help you learn from those established in the industry, gain a competitive edge, and yes, even find new opportunities.

We’ve created this guide full of real estate networking tips for young professionals so you can be well on your way to becoming the realtor go-to in your area. 

The Importance of Networking as a Young Realtor

We’ve already mentioned that networking is important for every professional, but let’s focus on why, specifically, it’s a must for young realtors.

There are 5 main perks you get from prioritizing a networking strategy when stepping into real estate:

  • Deeper understanding
  • More opportunities
  • Gain connections
  • Confidence boost
  • Increased visibility

Deeper Understanding

There are tons of networking events you can attend for real estate that all teach you something new, whether it’s from the events themselves or other attendees you meet. Plus, it’s important to not overlook the fact that as a young realtor, you don’t know everything there is to the industry yet.

Networking events allow you to learn and hear the perspectives of established professionals to carry with you into your business. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the industry, how to handle certain situations, and gain insights you need to better assist future clients so you’re set up for success.

More Opportunities

Believe it or not, but individuals in your network could be the key to landing a client down the road. Your professional network as a young realtor isn’t limited to other real estate professionals; it can also include those you meet when you’re out in the community or in other professional settings. Presenting yourself in a polite, professional manner at all times is crucial since you never know when a networking opportunity will present itself. 

Gain Connections

Similar to the point above, networking creates a contact list of possible connections that can be valuable later on. You never know when the people you meet will come through with a business opportunity in the future, which is why it’s important to carry yourself in a respectable manner so you always make a good first impression on those you meet. 

Confidence Boost

It’s normal and common to feel the jitters and “imposter syndrome” as a young realtor who’s just starting out. Regularly attending networking events or connecting with established professionals you meet helps to give you a boost of confidence so you’re ready for any opportunity that comes your way. There’s a lot of jargon and legalities to keep in mind in real estate that takes time to learn and familiarize yourself with. The more you expose yourself to learning opportunities, the more confident you’ll feel with clients and in your business. 

Increased Visibility

All of these perks work for your business to increase visibility whether it’s in person or online. The more you network you and your brand (while also having social profiles set up), you’re increasing the amount of people who are familiar with you, your services, and your brand. Always have business cards ready to pass out at networking events, to those you meet on a daily basis, or have contact information, like your website, on your social media profiles so those you interact with virtually have a way to contact you. 

9 Ways to Build Your Real Estate Network

Now that you know why you should focus on a network strategy as a young realtor, let’s look at 9 ways you can build your real estate network today to start establishing your brand. 

Nail Down Your Niche

The first step in building your real estate network is to nail down your niche, meaning, the type of real estate services you specialize in. For instance, are your services more focused on first-time homebuyers? Retirees? Luxury homes? Knowing your real estate niches helps you later identify the type of marketing efforts you’ll need to implement, and the type of connections you need to target to scale your business. Nailing down your niche will also help you gain more clarity on the overall picture of your real estate business, as well. 

Seek Mentorship

Seasoned realtors are definitely professionals to target for your business and network connections. These professionals can teach and guide you to help you become a better realtor by providing feedback, coaching, or answering questions. You can easily find mentors on online platforms (LinkedIn is a great professional platform to join and connect with other professionals), networking events, online, or others in the community. 

Utilize Industry Software

Sometimes a great marketing strategy helps in adding more valuable connections to your network. Adding industry software like Cole’s Realty Source to your toolbox benefits your strategy by pulling up prospects to target who fit your niche and can benefit from your services. Even if prospects are not ready to take the leap into your services, they may know of someone to refer to you for business. 

Attend Industry Events

One of the best ways to build your network as a young realtor is to attend industry events. Not only will you learn more about the industry, trends, or latest market changes from the seminars or guest speakers, but you’ll also have the chance to meet other realtors. It’s worth it to constantly look for in-person events to attend that align with your schedule, but remember to always come prepared with business cards, a nice outfit, and professional attitude. 

Utilize Social Media

In the age of digital marketing, social media is an excellent networking tool. Social media platforms and online communities now make it possible to meet other realtors and grow your brand by making connections. The best part is that it’s free! Make sure you sign up for the top social media platforms for realtors and engage with your audience and other professionals to build a valuable network for your business. 

Offer Value

Remember that networking goes both ways. As you set out on your journey to create a network for your professional life, make sure you position yourself in a way that provides value to those you meet, even seasoned professionals. This may seem impossible as a new realtor, but can still offer time, resources, support, and assistance to those you meet. 

Join Professional Associations

There are several professional associations for realtors to join that provide numerous benefits to help grow a business. National Association of Realtors and Real Estate Educators Association are just two examples. They offer certifications to add credibility to your expertise and allow you to meet other professionals that can teach you as well. 

Connect With Contractors

Since your industry involves the home, it’s worth it to connect with contractors of all types for future possibilities. Interior designers, home builders, and other home service professionals provide the same value for your network as other realtors since these contractors may run into clients of their own who mention possible real estate ventures. 

Use Your Hobby (or find one)

Your hobby can pay off big time in the world of real estate. If you don’t have a hobby, it’s time to find one. As we mentioned earlier, networking isn’t just geared to other realtors. Your hobby can connect you with other valuable members of your network – potential clients or other industry professionals – whether it’s through a book club, sport team, or other hobby. You never know who in your circle knows someone that needs the help of a realtor.


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