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Real Estate Prospecting Strategies That Deliver Real Results

14min read

In the competitive real estate industry, effective prospecting is the key to your success… but it doesn’t come without its challenges.

This comprehensive guide will explore some of the challenges agents face in real estate prospecting today. You’ll learn proven strategies and techniques to help you achieve your prospecting goals, and various tools and methods. From social media to cold calling (and everything in between!) you’ll learn how to grow your real estate business.


What are Some of the Challenges of Real Estate Prospecting?

Strong competition among agents

The real estate industry is fiercely competitive. With many realtors vying for the same pool of potential clients, standing out from the crowd is a constant struggle. The saturation of real estate professionals in the market can also make it difficult to get noticed.

To address this challenge, focus on creating a unique value proposition and develop a personal brand that sets you apart. Offer specialized services or market to a niche audience to reduce the level of direct competition.

Ever-changing market conditions

Real estate markets are dynamic and constantly shifting. Interest rates, local economies, and housing inventory can affect your prospects’ readiness to buy or sell. It’s challenging to predict and adapt to these changes.

To help, stay informed about market trends and continuously educate yourself. The ability to provide clients with up-to-date information and guidance will position you as a trusted resource.

Inconsistent lead-generation

Prospecting requires consistent effort, but it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of real estate transactions. This inconsistency in lead generation efforts can lead to dry spells. 

Develop a structured prospecting schedule and stick to it. Allocate a specific amount of time each day or week for prospecting activities to ensure a steady flow of leads. Check out our guide on how to schedule your day for successful lead generation.

Download Guide to Scheduling Your Day


10 Real Estate Prospecting Strategies That Work

1. Leverage the Power of Social Media

In today’s digital age, we are more connected than ever. Social media is no longer just a place to keep up with friends, but a goldmine for real estate professionals to grow their businesses. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X connect agents with potential clients. By using these social media platforms to share valuable and educational content, showcase your listings, and engage with your audience to build your online presence, you can develop a network of qualified leads organically.


2. Harness the Potential of Real Estate Agent Referrals

Real estate agents often specialize in specific areas or types of properties. By having a network of agent referrals, you can tap into their expertise and knowledge when working with clients who require services in areas or property types outside your expertise. This ensures your clients receive the best possible guidance.

Another great benefit of building mutually valuable relationships with other real estate agents is harnessing a steady source of new leads. An agent who is top of mind with fellow agents is connected to a wealth of referral business.


3. Tap into the Goldmine of Client Referrals

One of the most reliable sources of real estate leads is referral business from past clients.

If a client had a good experience working with you, they are likely to refer friends and family or leave a positive Google review. Don’t be afraid to ask… but ask well.

The foundation of asking for referrals is to consistently provide exceptional service to your clients. When you go above and beyond to meet their needs and expectations, they are more likely to refer you to others without you even asking.

When it comes time to ask, keep these things in mind:

  • Timing is Key: Choose the right time to ask for a referral. Ideally, this should be when your client is most satisfied, such as after a successful transaction, a glowing review, or when they express gratitude for your services. Ask for a review or recommendation promptly and follow-up, stressing how important client feedback is for you to continue to give excellent service.
  • Make It Personal: Approach your clients personally and ask them face-to-face (or over the phone if possible). Personal requests tend to be more effective by showing that you value the relationship.
  • Be Specific: When asking for a referral, be specific about what you’re looking for. Instead of a vague request like, “Do you know anyone who needs a real estate agent?” you can say something like, “I’m looking to help more families like yours navigate the housing market. Do you know anyone among your friends, family, or colleagues who has mentioned considering selling their home?”

Keep in touch with your satisfied customers and periodically encourage them to refer friends and family. A personal referral carries significant weight in the real estate business. People want to work with someone they trust, and a friend or family member’s good experience is often all they need. 

4. Use Open House Events to Attract Leads

Open houses are not just about showcasing a property; they are also fantastic lead-generation opportunities and a way to showcase yourself and what you offer. Here are some of the benefits an open house provides in more detail:

  • High Visibility Open houses are a visible part of the real estate process, and they attract a range of attendees, including curious neighbors, potential buyers, and even individuals considering selling their own homes. Increased visibility provides an opportunity to engage with a more diverse group of people.
  • Direct Interaction Open houses allow real estate agents to interact directly with potential clients in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. This personal interaction can help build rapport and establish a foundation of trust.
  • Demonstration of Expertise Hosting an open house showcases your expertise and knowledge of the business. As you walk attendees through the home, you can demonstrate your understanding of a property’s features, neighborhood, and market conditions. This will help people trust your competence as a real estate agent.
  • Qualifying Leads Open house visitors are often in various stages of the buying process or plan to be at some point in the future. Some may be serious buyers actively looking for a home, while others could be considering a move in the future. By engaging in conversations, you can qualify leads and identify their level of interest and timing.
  • Networking Opportunities Open houses are a networking opportunity with attendees that may include other real estate professionals, mortgage brokers, and home inspectors. Building relationships with these individuals can lead to future referrals and collaboration.
  • Collecting Contact Information By asking visitors to sign in or leave their contact information, you can capture valuable lead information. This data allows you to follow up with attendees who showed interest in the property. Paper and pen works, but you can also collect the information electronically (on a tablet, for example).


5. Effective Cold Calling with a Personal Touch

Cold calling is an age-old prospecting method that still works when done right. The strategy and approach for cold calls have changed over the years as technology has become part of our every day, but the principle remains the same. Create a script, build a list of potential leads, and use a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to track your interactions and follow up effectively.

  • Planning your initial approach
    Gather as much information as you can about the prospective client, including their property details, family size, demographics, income, education, transaction history, and property value. Tailor each call to the client, creating a unique script or conversation starter based on what you already know about their home.
  • Warm up your leads
    Send a personalized, no-pressure email introducing yourself before making the call. Highlight the work you’ve done in the area and any upcoming events you’re hosting like workshops and open houses.
  • Choose the right time
    Timing is everything. Research shows that the best times for cold calls are typically in the mornings and late afternoons, but this may vary by your specific market and your potential client’s schedules. Don’t be afraid to ask if there is a good time to follow up.
  • Build rapport by asking open-ended questions
    Ask open-ended questions and use active listening to uncover any cues your prospective client may share about their real estate goals. Encourage conversation that allows leads to express their thoughts and needs.
  • Provide value upfront
    Offer Information and resources that provide immediate value for your prospective client. Share relevant market insights, property data, or other valuable information that can help the lead make informed decisions, establishing your authority and positioning yourself as an important ally on their journey.
  • Handle objections gracefully
    Anticipated objections can be both a benefit and a detriment to building a relationship with a prospective client. Be prepared for common objections and have responses ready but don’t assume you have a solution to every objection or concern. Having a reason to follow up can open the door to further conversations, allowing room to address concerns and questions confidently and maintain contact. Avoid being pushy or aggressive in your approach. If a prospective client is not interested, respect their decision and offer to follow up in the future.
  • Set up follow-up actions
    Schedule a follow-up: If the prospective client is not ready to commit, schedule a follow-up call or meeting. This ensures you stay on their radar and can nurture the relationship over time.Use Cole Realty Resource to get a list of homeowners in areas you want to work in. High-quality leads comes from good data and strategy. Cole Realty Resource can help supercharge your real estate prospecting efforts.


6. Utilize CRM Tools for Efficient Follow-Up

Stay organized and stay on top of our communication. A robust customer relationship management (CRM) tool is essential for your prospecting efforts. It helps you stay organized, nurture leads, and convert them into clients. Here are a few important considerations: 

  • Lead Management
    A CRM allows agents to organize and track leads efficiently. It helps capture and store lead information, including contact details, preferences, and interactions, making it easier to nurture and convert leads into clients.
  • Personalized Follow-Up
    The follow-up is a critical part of the real estate process. A CRM enables agents to personalize their interactions with clients. By storing information about clients’ needs, preferences, and past interactions, agents can easily remember where a conversation is and pick it back up. A CRM also helps agents schedule and automate follow-up actions (such as emails, calls, and reminders) ensuring no potential client slips through the cracks.
  •  Task and Calendar Management
    Real estate transactions involve a significant amount of paperwork. A CRM can help store and organize documents related to properties, contracts, and client records, making it easy to get necessary information. With so many tasks and deadlines to manage, a CRM can centralize these tasks and appointments, helping agents stay organized and on top of their commitments.
  • Reporting and Analytics
    A robust CRM provides insights into your business. By analyzing lead conversion rates, trends, and  effectiveness of marketing campaigns, you can make more strategic decisions about your business.
  • Marketing Automation
    Many CRMs offer marketing automation features, allowing agents to create and send targeted email campaigns, newsletters, and follow-up messages. This saves time and ensures you stay in consistent communication with your real estate clients.
  • Client Retention
    A CRM is not only for lead generation but also for client retention. It helps agents stay in touch with past clients, send personalized holiday greetings, and provide valuable information to maintain long-term relationships.
    A robust CRM is a fundamental tool for real estate agents, helping them manage leads, provide personalized service, streamline operations, and enhance client relationships.

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7. Target For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Listings

FSBO properties are a niche that can yield great results when building contact lists. However, it requires a strategic and respectful approach. Here are five quick tips to help you approach FSBO sellers effectively:

  1. Do your research
    Before reaching out to FSBO sellers, research their property and situation. Understand why they are selling, the property’s details, and the local market. This knowledge will help you offer informed and valuable insights.
  1. Provide Value, Not Pressure
    When you approach FSBO sellers, emphasize the value you bring to the table as an experienced real estate professional. Explain how your expertise can help them sell faster and at a better price. Avoid applying pressure or undermining their efforts to sell on their own.
  1. Establish a Relationship
    Build a genuine relationship with the FSBO seller. Offer assistance, answer their questions, and provide valuable advice without expecting an immediate listing agreement. Trust is essential in this process!
  1. Showcase Your Marketing Plan
    When the time is right, outline your marketing plan and strategy. Explain how you would market their property in order reach a broader audience. Highlight your track record of successful sales and the tools you have at your disposal.
  1. Be respectful of their efforts
    Acknowledge the seller’s efforts in trying to sell their property independently. Be respectful and appreciative of their hard work. When the time is right, present your case for why your services can enhance their selling experience.


8. Optimize Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

A well-planned marketing strategy that incorporates online and in-person marketing activities helps you stand out, reach your target audience effectively, and showcase your expertise. It not only attracts potential clients but also builds trust and credibility, making people more likely to choose you as their agent. 

Maximize your visibility, generate leads, and achieve your sales goals by consistently following your strategy.

Your real estate marketing strategy should be comprehensive. Use both online and offline marketing channels to reach a broader audience and maximize your marketing efforts. This balanced approach helps agents reach a wider audience and build meaningful relationships.

Here’s how to effectively use a mix of both methods:

  • Professional Website: Maintain a professional website that showcases your expertise, listings, and client testimonials. Ensure it’s user-friendly and optimized for search engines (SEO) to attract online traffic.
  • Social Media Presence: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to create an online presence. Share high-quality content, engage with followers, and use targeted ads to reach potential clients. Social media ads can also help get your name out to your target market.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list of interested leads and past clients. Send regular newsletters with valuable real estate insights, market updates, and property listings. Personalize your emails for a more effective connection.
  • Virtual Tours and Videos: Create virtual tours and videos of properties you’re selling. Share these on your website and social media to give potential clients a detailed look at listings.
  • Content Marketing: Write informative blog posts about real estate topics, market trends, and local neighborhoods. This positions you as an expert and helps with SEO.
  • Community Involvement: Get involved in community activities, charity events, and local organizations. Your active participation in community events can help you build strong relationships and recognition.
  • Direct Mail Marketing: Use targeted direct mail campaigns to reach homeowners and potential clients with postcards or brochures showcasing your services and property listings.
  • Open Houses: Host open houses to showcase properties. Use these events to meet potential clients in person, answer their questions, and build rapport.
  • Networking: Attend local networking events, real estate seminars, and community gatherings to connect with other professionals and potential clients. Building a strong local network can lead to referrals and new clients.
  • Door Knocking: Go door-to-door in target neighborhoods to introduce yourself, provide market updates, and offer your services to homeowners who may be considering selling.


9. Go After Expired Listings

Expired listings represent untapped potential. Reach out to homeowners whose listings have expired and offer your services to help them get their property sold.

Approaching expired listings can be a fruitful way for real estate agents to acquire new listings and clients. Here are three effective approaches:

  1. Research the property and approach with empathy
    Before reaching out to the homeowner of an expired listing, research to understand why the property did not sell. Common reasons may include an overpriced listing, inadequate marketing, or unfavorable market conditions. Knowing specific reasons will help you tailor your approach.
  1. Offer a Fresh Perspective and Plan
    Contact the homeowner with a fresh perspective and a well-thought-out plan for relisting the property. Address the issues you think led to the listing’s expiry. Discuss pricing, marketing strategies, and any necessary adjustments you think need to be made in order to make the property more appealing to potential buyers.
  1. Showcase Your Success
    Share your track record of successfully selling similar properties in the area. Highlight your expertise and results to demonstrate why you are the right agent to relist their property. Provide evidence of your ability to navigate challenges and sell homes effectively.

Approaching expired listings requires a delicate balance of offering solutions without coming across as pushy or critical. The key is to demonstrate your value as a real estate agent and show how you can help the homeowner achieve their selling goals.


10. Nurture Past Clients for Repeat Business

Your past clients are a valuable source of repeat business and referrals. 

Nurturing past client relationships is crucial for real estate agents. It can lead to repeat business and also generate referrals. Here are four effective strategies for real estate agents to nurture past client relationships:

  1. Regular Follow-Up:
    Maintain regular contact with past real estate clients through phone calls, emails, or personal notes. Check-in on them, offer assistance, and express your gratitude for their past business. Consistent communication will keep you you top-of-mind.
  1. Provide Valuable Information:
    Send your past clients valuable information related to the real estate market, local trends, or home maintenance. Share market updates, tips on increasing property value, and insights into the community. This positions you as a knowledgeable resource.
  1. Celebrate Milestones:
    Recognize important milestones in your clients’ lives, such as the anniversary of their home purchase. Sending a congratulatory note or small gift can show that you genuinely care about their well-being.
  1. Client Appreciation Events:
    Host client appreciation events like picnics, parties, or workshops. These events provide an opportunity for face-to-face interaction and help you maintain a personal connection with your past clients.

Nurturing past client relationships can pay off, but it requires both genuine care and ongoing effort. Put in the work and see the results!



In a highly competitive real estate industry, mastering prospecting is crucial. These strategies, when implemented effectively and consistently, will help you generate a stream of real estate leads, connect with potential clients, and grow your real estate business. Remember, the key to successful prospecting lies in a combination of strategies. Stay persistent, and you’ll see your efforts pay off with new clients and a growing real estate business!

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